4 Spooky Season Themed Tarot Spreads
Beginning in September every year, the veil starts to thin. There is magic and mystery in the air; we’re pulled toward the unknown and the things that scare us. Many go within, embarking on their inner journeys. This is a time of spiritual and psychic awakenings, spirit visitations, and celebrating the dead. Nights grow longer, and the shadows more apparent.
October and especially Samhain (known as Halloween) is so nostalgic for me in so many ways. I think of making potions with my older cousin; playing witches in the forest; communicating with spirits though the ouija; dressing up in a costume; carving pumpkins with family; telling spooky stories; and of course, engorging myself on fun-size candies.
Bring the tradition, spook, and fun of the season to your readings with the following spreads. These are designed for use with tarot, but I’m sure an oracle deck would work well, too! Each spread helps you with your journey in different ways. Choose ‘Halloween’ for a glimpse into the coming days. Choose ‘the Veil’ for clarity on your present awakening(s). Choose ‘Haunted House’ if you’ve been feeling blocked or like something is bothering you, but you’re not sure what/how to heal it. And lastly, choose ‘the Costume’ to bring you closer to your most authentic self. If you would like to book a reading with me using one of the spreads, you can do so here!
1) First, the perfect spread for Halloween night…
This spread gives you a glimpse into the energies coming to you in the future. Through the rest of October to Samhain, or Halloween, what do you need to know? A fun, spooky season themed forecast.
I chose to name this the Halloween Spread because it invokes in many the nostalgia of dressing up as a kid and going out to collect more candy than you need, get spooked out, and go home to eat too much candy. The true trick or treat experience!
1) What trick should you be wary of? This card may point to an upcoming obstacle, a personal struggle, or an outside force which could cause you conflict or trouble. It could be something spooky!
2) What treats are coming your way? This card points to good things to come. What is the Universe aligning to put in your path, which will bring positivity into your life?
3) How can you honor this night? An action to take or an energy to channel. Could point to a ritual, a connection, or a gathering.
2) A spread for connecting with the energies of the lifting of the veil…
The veil begins to lift in September, and continues to through November. During this time, the Spirit realm becomes closer, and our Ancestors are near. They wish for us to connect. Pay attention to it dreams, signs, gut feelings, and animals; acknowledge them. This is a time of spiritual and psychic awakenings and development, as this world becomes closer to ours.
1) Magic unfolding in your life: A mystical, mysterious energy or force that is currently blooming to bring more magic into your life. This may be inspiration, or an action you’re being aligned to take.
2) A message from Ancestors: What your Spirits wish to tell you or let you know about. May be guidance, a reminder, or reassurance.
3) A gift you will soon discover: This is likely to be psychic or spiritual in nature, while the veil is thin this season! Will it bad a new path, or will you be moving into a higher level of knowledge and/or consciousness?
3) A spread for when you’re feeling haunted…
This spread is good for when something feels like it’s bothering you, but you’re not sure what. Like memories you can’t quite get a grasp on. Those ghosts that live in the dusty, cob-webby nooks and crannies of your subconscious. What needs healing? Locate it, and gain insight on how you may go about healing this and moving on, once and for all.
1) A ghost from your past: What is or who is haunting you presently? Lean into your intuition with this card pull. It’s possible you may not have clarity with this card until card 2 and 3 have been implemented.
2) How to banish this ghost: What energy or action is needed to rid yourself of this haunting? The energy may need to be channeled or released, depending on the surrounding cards.
3) A fear or bad habit to release: Let go of this to clear and strengthen your energy, so you're better able to keep the ghosts at bay. This fear or bad habit aligns with the energies of the past, and no longer aligns with your energy. You shall be rid of it soon! Preform a release ritual. This is best done during the waning moon (October 18-24).
4) Gain clarity to your inner world using the idea of masks and costumes…
Because of our own fears and societal pressures, we tend to try to make ourselves more comfortable or more digestible to others by putting on a mask. This mask actually serves to create a barrier between yourself and your authenticity. Sometimes, this happens unintentionally. This spread brings clarity to the way(s) you present yourself to others and how you may be blocking your authenticity.
Who do you truly want to be? What costume makes you feel your truest self this Samhain?
You could also decide to use this spread for costume inspiration!
1) What mask do you wear: The way(s) that you conceal your truest self from the world. This can be a conscious or unconscious action. Does it align with who you feel you are?
2) Who do you truly want to be? If you could wear any costume, what would this be? What qualities do you wish to embody? How are these qualities different or similar to card 1?
3) How do you remove the mask and become who you want to be? This may point to something you need to let go of, something you need to add, or something you need to embrace. If 1 and 2 are alike, you have a wonderful balance of your inner and outer world. Take this card as further support in your journey.
Thanks for reading!
I had so much fun coming up with these themed spreads! If you would like me to pull one of these spreads for you, click here. Please leave any questions or comments below!
With well wishes,
Courtney Deerborn