A Bit About Fairies

A Bit About Fairies

As a child, I read fairy stories, built fairy furniture, and had an inner knowing of when their magic was near.

In my adulthood, I became detached to this awareness for a little while. Until one day, walking through a forest trail on a bog, I could suddenly see the fairies around me in my mind's eye again. Some were flowing with the wind, some were floating along the water in leaves, some peeking out of flowers, and some peeking up from exposed tree roots. I was able to reestablish my connection with their realm, and with that, rediscover my creativity and intuitive abilities. I've had many people approach me, curious to learn more about the fairies and their realm. I love sharing what I know and my experiences! 

I feel very called to the fairies, there's a familial energy between us. In my every day life, they help me care for my plants, they're friends with my kitties, and of course play the occasional little trick on me. They assist me in my sessions and help me enter that timeless space where I can learn about past lives and future events. My life is better for the connection I have with them, but this isn't always the case for everyone. It's good to know what you're dealing with, what to expect, and how to go about dealings with fairy beings.

Fairies is an umbrella term for certain Fae folk, creatures, and magical beings. Some don't even have names, because they are so far beyond our human comprehension. Many regions have fairies that are native to the area, but fairies are not bound by the laws of time and space the way that humans are. They're part of their own world, or realm, in a different dimensions close to ours. You can experience or work with fairies from anywhere. 

Different types of fairies have different responsibilities, skills, and talents. They can offer you different types of help. But first, it's good to know how to protect yourself and what to offer, so that you're not attracting negative beings or offending anyone. Use this as a basic guide to help you pinpoint who, how, and where to connect in a way that's personally best for you!

Protection is Important

Please know that fairies do not have the same idea of right and wrong as we humans do here on Earth. They're unable to understand things like compassion and empathy. For this reason, they're prone to playing tricks on humans for laughs. Some fairies can be at times quite mean. Make sure that if you connect with these beings that you have good intentions and implement protection first. 


The simplest and most straightforward way to protect yourself is to communicate and set clear boundaries. Say them aloud, write them down, or lay them out mentally. 

Envision a protective white light surrounding and filling your aura.

Crystals such as amethyst, tourmaline, and smoky quartz help create a protective barrier around your aura.

Wear a braid in your hair; French style is great, because it covers more area of the head.

Bells can ward of malevolent energies and fairies. Ring them in your home to scare them off.

Call upon your Spirit Guides for protection and guidance.

Never eat any food that they offer to you.

When you do make your offerings, make your intentions clear, and express your desire for positive and harmonious encounters only.

 Always practice discernment and call upon your intuition when interacting with the Fae realm. If something starts to feel unsafe or unsettling, it's important to honor this sense and back away from the situation.



Gifts & Offerings For Fairies 

You can simply leave gifts for fairies, and they will start to come around more often. (Read on to learn the signs of nearby fairies!) However, always remember that if you want their friendship or help, respect and love for nature always comes first. When communicating or working with Fae, you must come from a place of authenticity, because they will sniff out any deceit or ill intent.

Important: By honoring the Fae, you can gain their trust. It's always better to say, "I'm grateful," when they make their presence known or give you their assistance, as "Thank You," can come off as indebting yourself to them.

Things of the earth and organic are most suitable for these beings: fresh flowers, homemade baked treats, milk or cream, honey bread. 

You can gather organic material to create a fairy home or fairy furniture.

Plant a fairy garden: they love ferns, snapdragons, cosmos, lilies, clover pansies, rosemary, yarrow, and thyme.

They also enjoy shiny objects, like crystals, bits of sea glass, broken pottery, beads, and shells. Leave rose quartz near their home to bring love and protection to these sacred places.

They're attracted to fragrances from dried herbs and oils: florals such as lavender, rose and sweet pea; herbs like chamomile, mint, and lemon balm.

They appreciate alcohol; wine, beer, rum, and brandy. 

Fairies are also drawn toward song! By singing or playing a song, you can capture their attention. Wind chimes will attract fairy folk, also.  

An offering can even be as simple as sharing your unconditional love and gratitude.



Signs A Fairy Is Present

There are a few ways that fairies give signs or messages to humans to let us know of their presence….

You might see a twinkle or sparkle in the air. They can appear as a shimmering light in your peripherals.

You might hear them as a tinkling bell or chimes, a flute song in the distance, playful giggling, or singing that you can't quite comprehend.

They might visit you in dreams.

You might smell them as a random floral fragrance, or a very earthy smell, with no real source.

At times, you just have the intuitive sense when they are with you.



Types of Fairies

There are a large variety of beings from the fairy realm, but today we are going to focus on the most commonly known, and most willing to connect with humans.

Though some fairies are from certain regions of the world, they're not limited by time and space, so you can still communicate with them and give your gifts or offerings right from where you live.



What we most commonly think of when we hear 'fairies'. They appear human-like, but only grow to be as large as six inches, and can live to be as old as 100 years of age.

We find them most often in the garden. They love flowers, sweets, and dairy. They can be defensive and play mean tricks, but when you're on their good side, they're playful and helpful. They tend to appear to green witches, gardeners, and guardians of nature.

Pixies love to celebrate and are present for joyous occasions and holidays. Dancing and laughter attracts them. They can assist with bringing in high vibrations, kindness, abundance, and creative energies. They're a wonderful ally for artists, musicians, herbalists, botanists, gardeners, and florists.

They love gifts of honey, sweet breads and cakes; fresh flowers and beautiful garden blooms.



Another of the most commonly known fairy among the humans. They appear similarly to us, but with unique facial features. They have high cheekbones, angular features, and pointed ears. They have very long hair that they typically braid intricately. 

There are good elves and bad elves; it's best to avoid the bad ones outright. The good elves wish to work with humans to heal Mother Gaia. The bad ones wish to heal Mother Gaia by bringing harm to humans. If you feel that healing the planet is in your mission, you have much in common with these beings.

Elves are great to align yourself with if you are a healer yourself, and can lend their assistance in your practice. They will also bring healing energy if you need to heal from physical ailments.

They're skilled craftspeople and organizers. You can welcome in their support and help if you are building something! They especially love working with wood and organic materials. They're helpful when planning out something for the future.

Cleaning up a park, trail, or beach is a great gift or offering for Elves. They like incense smoke and the smell of pine, as well as fresh herbs. They also appreciate tools that they can use in their work as an offering. 




These fairies are human-like, with a fish tail and other fish features. Their existence is the most known by humans thanks to popular culture. They can be mischievous, like most fairies, but generally cause no harm.

They’re typically found in rivers, streams, and the ocean.  You can attract them into your life by having a flowing water fountain in your home or garden.

Being of water, they are very supportive with emotions. They can help you discovery knowledge and wisdom about yourself. They can also help you adapt to new phases of your life. When you befriend Merfolk and gain their trust, they will keep you safe from drowning.

The simplest way to connect with them is by singing a song or cleaning up litter in and around natural waterways. They appreciate shiny items, crystals charged by the moon, and water related herbs that are found on land as gifts or offerings. 



Water spirits, similar to merfolk, except they have a mammalian tail instead of a fish tail. They appear as human woman, with ethereal beauty, green hair and webbing between their fingers. They possess great wealth from scavenging ship wrecks.

Merrows wear a cap that wears a cap and/or cape that, when taken off, enable them to travel on land with legs. If they lose these garments, they cannot return to the sea.

They tend to keep their distance from humans, but are a good ally to have if you are healing from heart break or disappointment. They love beauty and know just how to help you find it in your life. They can help you bring financial abundance into your life. They are very skilled with magic and can help make your spells or rituals more potent.

To attract their trust and friendship, you can give gifts or offerings of fruit, wine, organic candy, or flowers. Their connection to our world is strongest right before a storm.



Small like a pixie, human-like but wingless, these fairies wear brown clothing. Some can appear kind of goofy and ugly. These fairies live in hidden or underground homes. They scavenge and hunt to survive, sometimes venturing into human habitats for food or supplies. If they do not like you, they will create messes in the night.

They get along with humans that think in a similar manner as them. You can invite them into your home with gifts and offerings of cream. When you've gained their friendship, they will help you with chores or care for your pets while you sleep! Be careful not to gift them clothing, as this is a sign that they are freed of their duties. (Yes, this fairy was inspiration for Dobby, the house elf!)



These are the fire fairies. They breathe fire, and appear as little dragon-like beings. You can catch quick glimmers of them in fire, the flicker of a candle, even in a bolt of lightening. Their personalities are very bold, confident, and spontaneous.

Candles and a fireplace are a welcome invitation to invite Salamanders into your life. They can lend you their energy if you need inspiration, courage, or a renewed enthusiasm for life. They also bring protection to those who they align with and trust. Be aware that they can be very mischievous, so be true and kind if you decide to start a relationship them. 



This is the term for wood nymphs and tree spirits that live within trees. They are protective beings, guarding the tree they reside in, along with the beings living within it, and the land it resides on. When the tree dies, so does the Dryad within.

You might be able to see a Dryad on a tree as a face. Connect with them by showing your care and attention to the tree. You can pour wine out at the base of it as a gift or offering.



These are Earth fairies, which appear as little dwarves, typically older in age because they mature so quickly. They live beneath the ground, within the roots of the trees. They love anything organic, and are very attracted to gardens. They enjoy taking care of plants. 

They’re extremely powerful ally to have if you work with Earth magic. They’re healers of plants and animals, but hardly will offer healing energies to humans.

Gnomes love shiny treasures and trinkets as offerings, or you can leave them apples, nuts and mushrooms. 



These are air fairies, seen in wisps of clouds or energy, and felt in the wind. You may hear them whistling a song in the perceived distance. They appear similar to a pixie, with feathered wings and more angular features. They reside high in the mountains. 

Sylphs have a strong understanding of human emotions, and are able to bring fresh insights and ideas. They can help you with communication, mental tasks, and pursuits of knowledge. Certain ones also have control over the weather. They can also help you if you’re feeling restricted and need to find your freedom. 

Paying attention to your breath is one way to connect to these beings. Another way is to sit outdoors, at the top of a hill or a peak of a mountain, if possible, and tune into the feeling of the wind moving around you. When a strong breeze hits you, that’s a Sylph. In meditation you can connect with them at a deep level. 

You can sing or play an instrument for Sylphs as a gift or offering. You can place wind chimes in your yard or home for them to play with. They will bring creative inspiration to you in return!


We are familiar with these fairies thanks to St. Patrick's Day, but Leprechauns are so much more than that! They grow up to 3 feet tall, are bearded, and wear hats. They're very mischievous, and have a reputation for being mean-spirited. However, they are kind to those who are honest and have a pure heart. Just like in pop culture, they love beer and gold, or really anything shiny. When you befriend them, they will help you mend things such as shoes, and assist you in gaining and growing wealth.


Yes, she is considered of the fairies. The Bean Sidhe, or Banshee, relates to death. To hear her scream or wail in the night is an indicator of a coming death, typically of a family member. Though she is more known as a frightening figure, you can gain her friendship like with other fairies.

She's the fairy of death, which instills fear in some. But, she can help you prepare for the passing of loved ones, or help them with their transitions, as a fairy hospice worker. The Banshee can also help you communicate with loved ones on the other side. 

Banshee is even helpful when you are moving through a period of great change and sadness in your life. She helps you grieve, cry, and release. 

Commune with her energy in nature by giving your own scream or wail into the sky. (It's best to choose a place like the beach, or an open field, but there aren't set guidelines to begin an alliance with Banshee). 



Mischievious shapeshifters that like to appear as animals, such as horses and birds. The roam the nights looking for trouble, damaging crops and vandalizing property. They can shapeshift into animals and strange creatures. They are unhinged, and it's not advised to venture off with them into the night. 

However, they can be bribed to protect your home and land, or guard you against enemies. You will need to be continuously firm with them and keep strong boundaries. 

If you'd like to ward them off altogether, place iron nails around your property, or an iron horseshoe above the entrance to your home or garden. You can even wear iron as jewelry, or keep it in your pocket.




What if I need to get rid of fairies?

Maybe you are feeling intruded upon, because your things keep getting moved around or going missing. Maybe they keep playing tricks on your eyes. Perhaps they've begun to get in the way of your daily life or spiritual work. Do not stress! There are safe ways for you to get them to leave you alone.

Silver, iron and salt are great protective elements against unwanted fairy intrusion in your life. You can choose jewelry or wear a pouch of salt. Iron nails, locks, and horseshoes have been great protectors for centuries. You can sprinkle salt in the corners of your home to protect them from entering your space.

Often, however, you just simply need to ask them to go away. The power of our thoughts alone can act as a repellent. Although you might have something they want, they don't tend to hang around where they aren't welcome.



That's all for now....

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed, and I appreciate you visiting my space of the internet! Please leave your questions and comments below, and have a magical day,

Courtney Deerborn


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Hi, I'm Courtney

I'm an intuitive guide. bridging the weird and woo with the everyday. I'm here to help you awaken your Soul and empower you to go after the life you envision.

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