An Oracle Reading For Shadow Integration

An Oracle Reading For Shadow Integration

Hello friend, and welcome this free collective oracle reading! I wanted to offer this to whoever feels called to it. Because this is a community reading, please take what resonates and leave the rest. Thank you so much for stopping by! If you would like a more personalized version of this reading, you may book here.

Today, we’re focusing on a part of your shadow that’s ready to be accepted and made a part of you. No longer will this part of you go on hidden or avoided.

Shadow work is incredibly healing and balancing to our overall life. Our shadow contains the parts of us we tuck away consciously or unconsciously; disappointments, shame, trauma, regret, etc.

By acknowledging a shadow, you’re able to shine a light on it to begin healing it. You can release patterning attached to it. You’re able to draw out the positive quality that shadow could offer to you.

Please note that shadow work should be done when you’re feeling fairly balanced and stable, as it can bring up triggers for us. 


For this reading, we’re using a 3 card spread.

Card 1: What is in the light? This card will represent a part of you that contributes to your glow, your vitality and happiness, your motivation.

Card 2: A shadow that’s ready to be integrated. This card will represent an element of yourself once gone suppressed or avoided which is now ready to be an accepted part of your journey.

Card 3: How to integrate this shadow using your light. This card will give spirit guidance on how you can begin to go about mixing these two parts of yourself to live aligned and authentic. 


The deck were using is the Oracle of Pluto by Aubrey Houdeshell. The artwork by Rose Ides is so captivating! 

After a good shuffle, here are today’s oracle messages…..


1) What is in the light:


The inner child


Your relationship with your inner child is positive. You're currently acting as a protector. You have become the adult you always needed most.

In the light, the cub is silly and releases all self judgements. You embrace your inner child's playfulness and curiosity. Your Spirit feels free right now.

While this energy is in the light, make time to experience something for the first time. Allow the inner joy and excitement to help the process of your shadow integration.

Journal prompt: Imagine you’re able to take your younger self out for a day. How old are they? What would you take them to do? How does your connection feel? What can your younger self teach you?




2) A shadow that’s ready to be integrated:


Clarity, intelligence, independence, adaptability

In the shadow, the hawk’s perception becomes clouded. It’s like you cannot see what lies below, and you’re flying high above it all.

With inner child in the light, it could be that Hawk represents that you’re using some form of escapism to get away from life. It could be that you’ve been disregarding your logical side altogether to protect yourself. 

You likely feel ungrounded. Maybe you lack true orientation in where you currently stand in a relationship or at work, or even overall.

It could even be that you’ve been bending into a pretzel to make yourself fit in, or to make things in your life work.

Start with what you can control. If you tune in and are honest with yourself, do you feel resistance from within? Do you tend to be stubborn about certain things?

It’s time to be truthful, maybe even brutally so, about the role you play in your own life. What ways have you gotten in your own way?

You're intelligent, perceptive, and able. You've been hiding what you're truly capable of. Time to show it off to yourself!

Journal prompt: Draw a map of your heart. What people, places, paths, ideas live here?




3) How to integrate this shadow using your light:


Vitality, optimism


It may not be what you want to hear right now, but a positive mindset will best suit this shadow integration. You can still be realistic while being optimistic. Yes, positivity isn’t a fix-all, but for this situation, it certainly will help! 

Consider that happiness is a disciplined state of mind, and not a destination. Make the choice in the morning to orient yourself toward the light, like a sunflower. Call upon your inner child for inspiration. You’re going to start to see that things aren’t as bad as they once were; the clouds are clearing.

The Kangaroo is about our pure life force and our ability to direct it for our highest outcome. With a more positive outlook, you can better see the areas of your life that are dissonant or causing you to feel resistance, so you’re empowered to change it or altar your course.

It may help to first tune into your root chakra and connection to the planet. This will boost your life force and allow you to better recognize the potential within and around you. Think of this as clearing the cloudiness you’re experiencing, mentioned in the Hawk card.

Exciting things are happening! You will want to be present and ready to leap into action. Nurture your life force by eating nourishing foods, breathing deeply, stretching, and calling in your energy as your own.

Journal prompt: For 7 days, write down at least one positive or good thing that happened. 



Thank you so much for hanging out! I hope you enjoyed this free community reading. If you’d like to grab a personal reading, you can find my offerings here. If you’d like to leave a tip, you can do so here. Best wishes to you!

Courtney Deerborn

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Hi, I'm Courtney

I'm an intuitive guide. bridging the weird and woo with the everyday. I'm here to help you awaken your Soul and empower you to go after the life you envision.

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