How To Get The Most Out Of Your Intuitive Session

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Intuitive Session

An intuitive session can be inspiring and packed with helpful information, but the details can slip away all too quickly. Sometimes a session can have lots of emotions, making it tricky in the moment to listen fully to everything being presented by Spirit. I myself have been the client, so I know this all too well. I used to go in with every intention to remember the important bits, only to be questioning myself on what I actually remember a few days later. 

Today, I’m sharing what I’ve learned as both a reader and a recipient of many readings by other intuitives. I wanted to create this short guide to help you avoid that feeling of grasping to remember details from a session with any tarot reader, psychic medium, or spiritual intuitive.

Before Your Session


Make sure to drink plenty of water the day or two leading up to your appointment. Any form of energy work takes a lot of energy, and water is the conduit. Receiving an intuitive reading can be a bit draining, because it’s a type of energy work.



Set yourself up for success by having a meal a few hours before your appointment or a snack 30 minutes before. You will want your brain and body to have the fuel to be present and engaged in the experience. 



It can be very helpful to meditate or do some relaxing self care before your appointment and soothe your system. Set aside time, if you can, to sit with yourself in a peaceful setting and reflect for at least 5-10 minutes as you approach your appointment. 

Self Check-in

Check in on how you’re feeling, and see if there are things you’d like to address or ask in your session. Explore what themes you might want to focus on, and begin to set intentions for the meeting. You may be looking to gain perspective on a decision you need to make, maybe you’re looking for insight on your healing journey, or maybe you’re looking to connect with your Spirit Team.


Open Your Mind & Heart

Spirit can speak to us in unexpected and even sometimes strange ways. It’s important to go into the experience having an open mind and an open heart. Being too rigid in your thinking or beliefs can make it difficult sometimes to see what is right in front of us. This is because we have one idea of what something should be, which makes what it actually is, not even a possibility. Be open to receiving whatever comes, in whatever form it takes.


Call in your Spirit Guides

One of the most important steps is one that people are too often not aware of.  Leading up to your session, you should always call in your Spirit Guides and loved ones on the other side. Invite them to be present with you and provide any messages they would like to share.



During Your Session

I’ve been there, we’ve probably all been there, or will at some point. You received the most resonant reading, with lots of juicy details. You made sure to be fully present for it, doing your best to commit it to memory. Then, after a few days or weeks, the details have blurred, and important tidbits of insight and guidance have been lost. 

Audio Recording

Some of my clients ask if they can record their session, and my answer is always, “Please do!” Not all readers may consent, but in sessions with me, you are always welcome to record your reading on your phone or audio device. This way, you can listen back anytime, grabbing new details or confirming things for yourself months later. 


Take Notes

If you do not record your reading (even if you do) I recommend taking notes. Jot down keywords to explore more later and any names or symbols that come through. Write anything that feels important or impactful to hear. 

Something may not make sense when you hear it, but may line up a year or more later. Messages come from a plane where time doesn’t exist, so sometimes we simply don’t yet have the context to understand the message. What seems really random today can be spot on later.


Ask Questions

A reading can sometimes become a game of psychic telephone, where we only connect near the end of the session after locking in details. Both parties can save energy and time by directing the session with a theme of focus or question(s). The more specific, the better. Otherwise, your Spirit Guides might come through with useful information entirely unrelated to what you had hoped for your appointment. 

Keep it Simple

For clarity’s sake, I personally do not need every detail from you in order to tune in. Giving lots of background info can become distracting, and doing so also eats at your time receiving Spirit insights and guidance. The most meaningful, impactful sessions are brought about when we have a focus for the energy to go, but not too much explanation of the background context.  


Share Feedback

This one goes along with the above section. As your reader, I often find it helpful, at least at the beginning of your session, to receive confirmation that I am following the right direction. Including if something is entirely not resonant. Symbols could be interpreted incorrectly, and by your saying something, we can take a second look to gain clarity in your messages.

Confirmation helps me lock in our connection. Most readers will appreciate some feedback to know they’re not going off track (this doesn’t mean we need reassurance at every point). 




After Your Session

Journal it Out

Whether you have just a few minutes or an hour, make sure to journal after your appointment. Take a few quick notes on your phone or get out your pen and favorite notebook. Sometimes, journaling brings out thoughts and emotions we didn’t realize were right there below the surface. You may find that you also make your own intuitive connections to the session. 

Sit & Reflect

Along the same vein, take time to reflect. Find a peaceful space you can be alone to go over your Spirit messages. In a different setting than the one on one time, our energy shifts and allows us to make new connections. 

Follow the Guidance

Finally, find a way to honor the insights provided in your session. Take a step that day toward your highest good. For many, this will be a form of self care, as an example. If this cannot be done the day of, set plans to begin as soon as you’re able. We can receive messages all we want, but it’s what we do with this intuitive information that matters.



Thank you so much for reading! I hope you find this helpful for your next intuitive session. Please feel welcome to ask questions or share your own helpful tips in the comment section below! 

 Courtney Deerborn

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