Pick A Pile: Messages From Mother Gaia

Pick A Pile: Messages From Mother Gaia

Welcome, friend. This reading is for anyone that's looking to connect with our home planet, with Mother Nature herself. What would she like you to know, in regards to your relationship with her, and what she might need from you right now?

Cultivating our relationship with our planet brings us closer to ourselves, as well as the fairies, spirits, and animals.



Message For The Collective

5 of Wands, Ace of Wands, Queen of Wands, 3 of swords

"We are facing challenges. It took some time, but humans are beginning to figure it out. People are awakening & rediscovering the importance of being a harmonious part of the natural world. It's through their challenges that humans will rise up in collective strength. The path ahead asks you to look at what you're most truly passionate about, & direct your energy in this direction. Trust in your abilities to not only take action, but to inspire others & implement change for the better. Mother Nature is aching and asking for our help. You may feel at times that you are only one person, what impact could you possibly have? Well, the more humans that are involved in creating a clean & protected environment for the future, the closer we get to a positive future fulfilled."




A Personal Message From Mother Gaia: Pick A Pile Reading

In order to receive our messages today, I designed this 3 card spread. Please feel welcome to use it in your own, and if share it, tag me!

1. Some that Mother Nature feels is important to tell you right now

2, Your connection & purpose involving nature

3. How to feel connected to nature when you’re away from it



Now, which card pile is calling to you?

Take a few deep breaths and relax your body. Allow any thoughts that come in to be released. As you look at each pile, you will feel an energetic tug toward a specific one. This will hold the messages meant for you. This reading is timeless, so anytime that you are seeing this, it is meant for you. When you're ready, scroll down to find your reading, or click the link to jump to: 



Pile reveals below....





Pile A

Ace of Wands, Queen of Wands, 3 of swords

Mother Earth wants you to know that she is experiencing energy blockages. You are someone with a special awareness of what is disrupting the Earth's harmony & energetic flow. Your connection and purpose to nature involves rebuilding. You are very aware of destruction of things that cannot easily be replaced. You're meant to focus on finding the way forward. You may not have been the one to create the mess, but you and your loved ones are going to need a home for the future, so it's important to step up to the challenge. You can feel connected to nature when you're away from it by mindfully grounding yourself. Everyone is different, so try some things. Scents, such as a candle or room spray, can pull you pack to nature. Choose an earthy, herbal scent. Visualization works great, envision roots
growing from your feet into the ground below you. And/or visualize a spot in nature that brings you peace.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed! If you'd like a more personalized Gaia message, you can book one now here.





Pile B

6 of Pentacles, Ace of Cups, 2 of Cups

Mother Earth wants you to know that she wants a relationship with you. You are going to benefit greatly from each other. She's incredibly giving, & does not ask for much in return. Show gratitude for her gifts by planting a tree or a garden, picking up litter, volunteering, or simply spending quality time with her. Your connection and purpose involving nature is to care for her water. You have a calling to protect waterways from pollution & to cleanse what has been polluted. You have a magical connection to water, and it's important to protect this for future generations.
Truly get to know nature. Find a spot you feel comfortable in to sit and gaze and the plants, sky, rocks, sand, water, wherever you are, without distractions. Absorb the energy around you & remember that she is always here when you need peace or escape. When you truly know & are one with Mother Earth, you channel in her energy, & feel connected to her with little effort even when you're not outdoors.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed! If you'd like a more personalized Gaia message, you can book one now here.





Pile C

2 of Pentacles, Knight of Wands, The Star

Mother Earth wants you to know she understands that we are at times distracted by human modern life. She sees how easy it can be to lose track of time since last visiting nature. If you're having trouble fitting in a walk or time to sit outdoors into your schedule, this is your sign to make it a priority. Nature is an important part of your well-being. Find ways to sneak in 5 minutes here and there if your schedule is too tight right now. Your connection and purpose involving nature involves getting people excited to learn about & protect the planet. This is likely to be through travel. You have a contagious and inspiring enthusiasm! To feel connected to nature when you're not there, tap into your creativity. You don't have to be a professional to connect with Mother Earth's energy through an act of self expression. Write a poem, song, or story; doodle, paint, sketch, sculpt, sew, create a collage.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed! If you'd like a more personalized Gaia message, you can book one now here.


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Hi, I'm Courtney

I'm an intuitive guide. bridging the weird and woo with the everyday. I'm here to help you awaken your Soul and empower you to go after the life you envision.

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