Pick a Pile: New Year

Pick a Pile: New Year

Welcome friend, and Happy New Year!

As we begin another collective cycle together, our hopes, plans, and visions come to the forefront of our minds. We’re invited to begin again with a blank slate. It can be tricky to know where to focus, and unknowns can be intimidating…

This is why I love my cards! Tarot brings invaluable insights that assists us as we move through life. With just a deck, we illuminate themes, lessons, and opportunities, past and future.

May your reading today and always provide direction, understanding, and a renewed sense of empowerment. My intention with this pick a pile is to offer a fresh perspective which helps you kick off your year on the right foot!


New Year Tarot Spread

For today's reading, we are using the following spread. It is intended to be used for one card per inquiry, however, some of our piles today had multiple cards. This is because I read intuitively, pulling whatever feels necessary to get the message through to whoever needs to hear it. You are welcome to use the spread on your own, in whatever way you feel called, with a tarot or an oracle deck! Use as few or as many cards as feels right. 


Card 1: Leave in 2024.

What lessons, challenges, achievements have come to a close? Carry this experience and wisdom, but let its energy be left in the past.


Card 2: Open up to in 2025.

What new themes, ideas, paths, and challenges should you embrace in the new year for your highest good?




Your Pick a Pile Reading

Pick a piles are created to be a more personalized message within a collective message. If you feel called to this reading, there’s likely something you need to hear within it. Always take what resonates, and leave the rest. 

When you feel ready to begin, take a few deep breaths, then look at the 2 piles below. You may feel immediately drawn to one, or perhaps you need to sit with it for a moment. Please know there’s no wrong way to decide! You may feel called to the crystal or the way the cards are placed. Trust it.

When you’re ready, find your pile below for your free tarot reading!


Deck Details

Today, I'm using the Tarot Mucha deck by Lo Scarabeo.



Which pile of cards beholds your messages?

Take your time choosing your pile….

You may tap/click your pile to jump to the reading.


Pile A

This pile might especially resonate if you've been seeing or feeling drawn to... the color turquoise, the numbers 22, 333, 43, 64, 666, 9, the moon, Tiger’s eye, blackberries, mugwort, chamomile




Pile B

This pile might especially resonate if you've been seeing or feeling drawn to... the color purple, the numbers 11, 1111, 17, 26, 444, Saturn, Jupiter, moonstone, star anise, juniper, pine



Pile C

This pile might especially resonate with you if you've been seeing or feeling drawn to... the colors black, red, the numbers 1010, 13, 1134, 2020, 444, 5, 555, Mercury, goldstones, ashwagandha, lavender, cbd




Pile reveals below...









Pile A

1. Leave in 2024: The healing journey you were on has come to a close

High Priestess, the Star, the World


This past year looks to have brought about deep healing. You have faced fears; confronted deep traumas, anger, or envy; and likely released some insecurities in the process. It's likely you've spent time in therapy, probably spending lots of time alone grieving to release the past. What work you have done on yourself has allowed your Soul to learn and develop.

The High Priestess is a big shadow work card. You were willing to confront old pains and/or parts of yourself you try to hide away or avoid. You can confidently say now that you know yourself, or at least this current version of yourself. Having unsurfaced something from your shadow, it no longer has any control over you. Everything has to have duality; the more deeply you've gone into the darkness, the more fully you may stand in the light.

That heavy, hard work opened up your authenticity, putting you in a more aligned way of living your life. Masks are coming off. You probably feel a boost in your self-esteem. You can listen to what your emotions are trying to tell you. Maybe you have opened up to make new friends, or are making steps to find your Soul people. You're opening up to the idea of expressing yourself and fully embodying your truth. This could take the form of writing, art, or song.

In 2024, you have spent precious time with yourself, holding yourself, finding your innate magic once again, through the beauty in the pain. The World card is your permission to close out this chapter now. Tie up any loose ends and do one last release ceremony for all that you've unearthed and healed in this past year. For example, write it down, then burn it, with the intention to let the energy go for good. Though there may still be work to do, there are memories, lessons, and experiences you can leave behind once and for all. 


2. Open up to in 2025: Rest

4 of Swords

It's time to embrace your self compassion and honor what your mind, body, and/or Spirit has been telling you: Open up to self care in all forms. Nurture your recovery after what looks to have been an emotionally challenging year. Put your troubles down. If there is any unfinished business carrying over from the prior year, lay your weapons to rest for now. Call a truce. Replenish your energy, for the time to take action will come once again. This card feels like guidance to maintain your hard work in the last year, so it lasts for the long term. Do your best to live based on what feels right to you, and shelve it if it does not fit. Create a true sanctuary for yourself, where you can reflect upon and enjoy how far you've come in your personal development.

Final Words

Spirit wishes to see you to take pride in your ability to choose healing over the (likely unhealthy) alternative. It takes courage to take the steps you've walked. Give yourself grace and know that nobody is perfect. (If they seem like they are, they're likely hiding something.) Take pride in your imperfections. Thank yourself for getting yourself this far. What you've learned and discovered are already setting you off on the right foot.

Thank you so much for taking part in this special New Year's reading. I hope you have enjoyed! I invite you to take 10 minutes to journal how this reading resonates with you and any personal insights that came to you. If you would like to go deeper, you can book a personalized reading with me here. Wishing you a full 2025! Find the Pick a Pile masterlist here.





Pile B


1. Leave in 2024: Secrets

7 of Swords

There's a sense with this card of someone having worked in silence. Take what resonates, as there are a few different messages that come through for pile b in today's reading.

One: Hidden action don't necessarily mean something negative. Perhaps you felt the need to keep your plans and the steps you were taking toward your goals in the dark. It can be helpful to give ideas space to grow organically. It also keeps others from taking these ideas for themselves, if that's a worry for you. Spirit wants you to know that this state of secrecy has served you as much as it will. Leave behind your need to work in the shadows in 2024. It's time to make moves in the light, let others in on your thoughts, plans, and projects. Go ahead and share that creative endeavor, business plan, or big move. Doing so will bring new inspiration, rejuvenate your motivation, and may even bring helpful assistance your way! 

Two: Some that chose this pile may be feeling unsatisfied with the results of a project, or with the year in general. You are called to consider where you could have been skimping on effort. What could you do differently in the new year so you can work toward your vision of success? Take what you can learn from the experience. Then, release your dissatisfaction, so it does not hold you back in 2025.

Two point five: It feels like this message is an extension on number two, however, some may resonate with only this section. It's possible that at times in 2024, secrecy shifted negatively into deception. Were there moments this year where you lied to yourself? Or is it possible that you allowed someone else get away with a lie? Remember, you choose what you bring into 2025. Sounds like it's time to dump someone or something (hurtful self beliefs or behaviors) that makes your internal alarms go off. Trust your gut.


2. Open up to in 2025: Growing your own happiness

Knave (Page) of Pentacles, 9 of Cups

Together, the cards share this message of happiness as a discipline. So many people set their sights on happiness as a place, an achievement. Too often, it's 'when I have this, I can feel happy'. We can all too easily allow each day to slip by, never noticing the joys and beauty, while hung up on what we think happiness should be. We might fall into a ho-hum attitude, or worse, a 'why me' way of thinking.

True happiness takes a consistent effort. It takes showing up for yourself, even when it's not fun. Nourishing yourself, in whatever way that may be needed. True happiness is not getting blocked up by disappointments and obstacles. A grounded, thoughtful approach to life manifests true happiness. When you start focusing on the good, on cultivating a nice day for yourself, that brings a stable happiness that can be maintained.

You deserve to enjoy each day as a blessing, a gift to be found within every one, no matter how small it might seem. If you find that you've been taking things for granted, give yourself a dose of tough love. Remember that what you have now, you once wanted.

New endeavors in the 2025 have wonderful potential for leading to emotional fulfillment. Maybe you already have a plan framed out, or just the inkling of an idea to build upon. Don't be afraid to invest yourself diligently into your vision. Take it step by step with patience. Open up to believing in yourself and putting effort toward the things you want most.

For some or all that chose pile b, this card combo speaks of learning new forms of Earth magic and divination. You may be discovering intuitive talents with new tools. If you have interest in something esoteric or magical, dive in to learn more about it. Expose yourself to new forms of working with the magic of nature that you may not have known about prior. You never know where this could take you!


Final Words

It’s possible for some of you that you’ve been holding onto a relationship or a career that doesn't bring authentic happiness. There is likely old baggage that hasn’t been resolved, and won't be, until you work on yourself. Perhaps a person once important to you kept a secret from you, and as much as you’ve wanted to move past it, it still comes back up around to haunt you. It may not matter how much you like or love this person or this path. The cards are saying to give yourself a chance to find something else to fill your time that won’t burden you with the pain you’re still processing. It may be time to turn your attention inward on your own needs, instead of using the needs of others as a distraction.

Thank you so much for taking part in this special New Year's reading. I hope you have enjoyed! I invite you to take 10 minutes to journal how this reading resonates with you and any personal insights that came to you. If you would like to go deeper, you can book a personalized reading with me here. Wishing you a full 2025! Find the Pick a Pile masterlist here.



Pile C

1. Leave in 2024: Disappointment, regrets; Imposter syndrome

Knight of Swords reversed, the Empress reversed, 4 of Wands reversed

When multiple cards in a spread are pulled in reverse, I raise an eyebrow, because I do not shuffle my deck to get reversals. When they happen, Spirit is really trying to get a point across. The cards here paint a picture of disappointment/regret after not pursuing an idea/vision that holds deep meaning to you. Perhaps this is a dream goal or a Soul calling. What's referred to here is something you really wanted, deep down.

It feels like you spent the last year blocking yourself from taking these steps. Maybe the path is intimidating. Maybe you're afraid of what pursuing it could entail. It could be that you are afraid to get what you want most, or to get so close and lose it. Maybe you talk yourself out of it because you don't feel worthy. Perhaps outer circumstances have made following your goals more difficult, or perhaps they have become convenient excuses not to make the effort.

Do you ever find yourself wondering why others have what you want, while you can't seem to attain it? Your biggest obstacles based on the cards here chalks up to imposter syndrome. Spirit asks, where do you stunt yourself, or stop yourself?

After reflecting, leave these beliefs or habits in 2024. It's time to stop robbing yourself of experience and start pouring your energy toward what matters most to you. Your goals are far more in reach than you have yet realized.


2. Open up to in 2025: Mental clarity

King of Swords

Embrace a balance of head and heart. In 2024, it appears that emotion took the wheel in a way that often worked against you. Emotion is a helpful tool, but like anything, in excess it drowns out everything else. You're called to detach and observe your emotions in order to understand your personal needs in 2025. Be objective, doing your best to release harsh judgements on yourself.

Spirit has been sending you signs and dreams to support you in taking a stand against whatever makes you feel incapable or undeserving. You must know that you are just as worthy as the next person of all the things you can dream. Channel authoritative energy against whatever holds you back.

Some, if not all, who chose pile c appear to have struggled with anxiety and/or OCD in the previous year(s). Spirit wants you to know that you can and will find your sense of authority against these struggles in 2025. If this struggle persists, talk to a trusted friend or medical professional. Refuse to feed the monster. You may be surprised by how many people deal with the same things you do, once you use your voice to express your story. Don't go about it alone.

Finally, if you tend to get carried away with fantasies or plans, this coming year provides opportunity to bring these ideas into tangible life by adding logic to the mix. Ground your ideas and inspiration with some realistic thinking, doing your best not to lose touch with the enthusiasm and creativity that make it worth doing.


Final Words

Together, the cards bring up a sense of feeling powerless due to an injustice or unwanted results which go beyond just disappointment. Spirit calls you to not allow this perceived power to defeat you. The battle is not over. Get up and dust yourself off. Start thinking of ways you can take action in 2025. You will need to have a level head and keep your composure. Use your voice for advocacy and to take a real stand. Seek the support of others. It's possible that you find yourself in a leadership position. Be the change you wish to see in the world. It all starts at home.

Thank you so much for taking part in this special New Year's reading. I hope you have enjoyed! I invite you to take 10 minutes to journal how this reading resonates with you and any personal insights that came to you. If you would like to go deeper, you can book a personalized reading with me here. Wishing you a full 2025! Find the Pick a Pile masterlist here.



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Hi, I'm Courtney

I'm an intuitive guide. bridging the weird and woo with the everyday. I'm here to help you awaken your Soul and empower you to go after the life you envision.

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