The Misunderstood Dark Elves

The Misunderstood Dark Elves

Days are growing shorter. The veil becomes thin during in-betweens and crossroads. This time of year is just that. When the boundaries are unclear, we’re more likely to have experiences with Spirits and Fairies. It’s like the rules of the Universe get jumbled, so what seemed once impossible can come to be!


We‘ve all felt watched by or a bit scared of something felt lurking in a dark corner. Maybe you can’t sleep unless your closet it shut. Perhaps you sleep with a nightlight or the TV on. Your attic or basement might kind of give you the heebie-jeebies at night.

Now and then, Dark Elves will take up residence in human homes. It’s warm, and maybe they enjoy having other Souls around, as they tend to kind of be loners. We sleep at night, which is naturally the time they are up doing things, so they feel out of the way.

The most important thing to know is that you do not have anything to fear. Dark Elves never wish harm. These are not dangerous beings. despite this, humans are put off by their strong energy and dark features. (Note: None of the Fae are dangerous; they can however become mischievous tricksters, if you upset them by disrespecting them or nature.)

Most people have felt the presence of Dark Elves and just did not realize it. Even with light, you may feel uneasy if they’re around. Your hair may raise a little, or you might feel a sudden chill.

If you have children, Fae are more likely to be in your home, as all fairies love that kids can see them! Your little one may feel the elf, or even have seen it. Not knowing what it is, they may experience fear. Have they ever asked you to check under the bed and in the closet before the can sleep? Teach your children there is nothing to fear of their magical friends💖

There are really good reasons to befriend a Dark Elf. If you’re a night owl, they provide assistance with inspiration, especially to creatives at work. Their magic stimulates a solid level of craftsmanship. As an elf, they’re great allies to witches, mediums, and psychics. 

My partner has a workshop at the back of our home, where he does lots of woodworking and handy work. Since he’s moved in his work benches and supplies from our old studio, there’s been a presence, which felt at first spooky, until I tuned into it. Peach attracted a Dark Elf that has housed up in a corner behind his planks of wood leaning up on the wall. I feel so special that the Elf felt safe here!🖤🧚‍♀️

Have you ever felt or seen a Dark Elf? Share in the comments!


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