The Path I Walk Spread for Tarot
Hello, friend! There comes a time in everyone’s life when you may feel uncertain about where you stand or unsure of what move to make for your future. You might have found yourself here on this page because you’re currently questioning your path. Maybe you feel totally lost. Rest assured these are normal feelings, which are a natural part of growth. You’re invited now to pause, reflect, and listen to what your heart and Soul is trying to tell you. Call your energy in, and focus for now and you.
This tarot spread is a helpful tool for self discovery and clarity when the road ahead seems foggy. You are shifting, illuminating. It's all part of the process. Grab your deck and focus your energy onto your path. If it helps, envision what this path looks and feels like to you. What location are you in? What is the weather? Is the path windy, with offshoots, or is it straight forward? Let the symbolism speak to you as you pull your spread.
What direction am I headed in? Perhaps this card pertains to a specific situation or area in your life. Or, maybe it’s a general projection forward in time, based on your present energy and circumstances. Remember, the future is never set in stone. If you see something here that you don’t like, you have all the power to make a change.
Where can I find motivation? On this journey, what energy, which emotion, or even which person in your life can you lean on for support? What can keep you on track or energized?
What can I be grateful for right now? Perhaps you're already practicing gratitude, and this offers a reminder. Or maybe there's something you've been overlooking that's ready to be acknowledged. If this card is a difficult one to get in this query, consider what wisdom the energy or situation may be teaching you.
What is something I’m struggling with? This card could point to the root cause of any feelings of stagnancy or stuck-ness you may be feeling. This card could be correspond to a subconscious or shadow element of your own, so give yourself time to process and digest this card. Set this card aside and come back to it in 2 days.
Where can I find the good in this situation (card 4)? If you’re in a really difficult situation, this is not to say all things must happen for a reason. It’s not to put a toxic positive spin over it. But, perhaps there is something you can cultivate from the wisdom gained. Maybe it helps you to finally take action on something important.
What blessing in disguise am I not aware of? This card may make more sense with some time. Set it somewhere visible if you can this week, for reflection and a gentle reminder.
1 comment
Thank you so much for sharing this. I had to try this spread last night and found comfort with it. I also really like your suggestion to set some of the cards aside, placed mine on my altar :)