Thanksgiving Pick a Pile
Happy Holiday, my friend!
I hope you’re able to all enjoy lots of good food and company/time alone (depending on what you need most). I will be staying in with my partner and kitties, making a big feast for ourselves, with peanut butter pie at the end. We’ll be watching Thanksgiving specials and playing video games :) And of course, soaking up lots of great energies as we express our gratitude for the positives and the challenges in life!
Please enjoy this pick a pile that will help you find gratitude and attract abundance in your direction.
For this reading, I used the Star Spinner Tarot
Now, take a deep breathe and a moment to clear your mind.
Which pile’s energy resonates with your energy?
You can click the pile to go to your reading, or scroll down:

Pile reveals below…
Are you ready?
1) Where can you find gratitude? 2 of Wands
Find gratitude in your journey. This could be literal travel, or a more spiritual, personal journey— or both, for some. See where you are now, and give thanks to opportunities past, present, and future. You can see how your plans came together, or are coming together.
This is a time for you to take note of and acknowledge your progress, even if it’s been slow-going. Though you may take breaks, become distracted, or step away, you always tend to circle back to what matters. You are always moving forward.
If you feel that you’ve missed opportunities, and/or aren't where you want to be yet, you can find gratitude in the many different possibilities out there for your future. Allow yourself to dream big today. You can truly do whatever it is that you want to do-- it's just a matter of time and planning.
2) How to attract more abundance into your life: The Hermit
Take time away from the busyness and chaos of life to truly relax and reflect. This is a card of meditation, solitude, and self-discovery. You've likely been giving a lot outwardly in the recent past, and now your Soul requires some special attention. Give it what it's asking for.
Putting focus on yourself and your own self care will attract abundance for you. Sit with silence, when you have the chance. Listen to what it says. It's time to tap into your wisdom; there's always something new to discover about yourself and this life.
This gratitude you’re channeling into your aura through the first card helps illuminate your energy to attract abundance, and focusing on yourself as the Hermit amplifies incoming abundance by magnitudes.
1) Where you can find gratitude: 6 of Wands
Find gratitude in your accomplishments/victories, no matter how seemingly small. Life is hard, and whatever win you get should always be celebrated! Let your victories power an inner sense of optimism and pride.
If you will be in the company of others, this is a perfect energy to share! Today, allow yourself be truly seen, because you deserve some attention/praise (and people want to give it to you). They have taken notice that you’re doing well, and are ready to celebrate with you! Allow yourself to break out of your shell a bit, so you're able to share your joy, further expanding your gratitude.
2) How to attract more abundance into your life: Ace of Cups
Lean into a sense of Oneness this season to attract abundance. Take extra care with your friendships and connections. Check in with people you haven’t heard from in a while— life gets busy, and they’ve thinking of you, too. Build up a sense of community for yourself, one where you can share ideas and connect on a deeper, emotional level. This may mean branching out, networking, and making new connections.
Additionally, or alternatively, look for new ways to express yourself. This can mean getting creative; writing, painting, drawing, making a collage, making music, sculpting, making videos, performing, etc. If there's a form of expression calling to you, follow it!
Sharing your emotions, self, and creative works with the world bring fulfillment and act as a magnet to abundance!
Final words
Thank you for taking part in this reading! Questions and comments are always welcome below. Want to book a personal reading? Click here!
Friday, Nov 25th I will be releasing my seasonal offerings for Yule/Christmas and running a limited sale ✨✨ Check back here, DeerbornIntuitive.com!
with well wishes,
Courtney Deerborn