Pick a Pile: Connect to your Higher Self Tarot Reading

Pick a Pile: Connect to your Higher Self Tarot Reading

Welcome friend, to another special tarot pick a pile! The messages contained within are valid at any time you come across this reading or feel drawn to it. You can even return to it later for a different message. Always take what resonates and leave the rest. In this reading, we are reaching out to your Higher Self.

Meet Your Higher Self

If you’re unfamiliar with the Higher Self, this is the part of you that goes above Ego, straight to true Divine wisdom and love. You could also refer to this as the Spirit or Soul. This Higher Self is our timeless self, who exists always and forever, and knows all. We connect to the Higher Self for support in tough times, understanding in confusing times, hope in dark times, love in lonely times, etc. By being aligned with our Higher Self, we can become our greatest potential.

Beyond tarot readings, you can connect with your Higher Self through meditation, dream work, spending more time in nature, healing your heart, working with your intuition, self reflection, and honoring your feelings. 


Your Tarot Reading

When you feel ready to begin, take a few deep breaths, then look at the 2 piles below. You may feel immediately drawn to one, or perhaps you need to sit with it for a moment. Please know there’s no wrong way to decide! You may feel called to the crystal or the way the cards are placed. Trust it.

When you’re ready, find your pile below for your free tarot reading!

Why is this reading available for free?

I believe that self understanding, healing, and spiritual exploration should be accessible to all. I also enjoy sharing what I love with my community!

Deck Details

Today, I'm using the Rider-Waite Smith deck for your reading.

Which pile of cards beholds your messages?

Take your time choosing your pile….



You may tap/click your pile to jump to the reading.




Pile A



Pile B



Pile C



Pile reveals below...

Almost there!




Pile A

5 of Swords, 3 of Swords

Your Higher Self's role at this time is to challenge you. This may not be what you want to hear, but it is what you need to know right now. That is not to say that all difficulties happen for a reason. However, how you care for yourself and proceed on your journey is important. Before we go on, I want to take a moment to say that if you're struggling you are not alone. This is your sign to talk to someone you trust; a friend, relative, support line, therapist, doctor, etc. Now is the time to be honest and vulnerable, to let what you've been holding out.

The cards here indicate an ongoing imbalance within your nervous system, which is responsible for the fight, flight, freeze, or fawn response. You could be feeling depressed and sluggish, anxious and scattered, stuck in paralysis, or totally lacking in boundaries. 5 of Swords also makes me feel like you're experiencing tension and aches in your body due to pent up stress/trauma. Your nervous system can be soothed through deep breathing exercises, time in nature, meditation, mindful movement like yoga or Tai Chi, taking part in your community, and maintaining a nourishing diet. 

Perhaps times have been tough and you were hoping that a higher being could come through to save you. The message here is that any spiritual being or guide, even our Higher Self, cannot help us until we want to help ourselves. You are meant to be the hero in this story. I hear in my mind the lyrics to FKA Twigs song Fallen Alien: "I've never seen a hero like me in a sci-fi". You are actively creating a whole new framework for what it means to be a hero in this strange and heavy modern world, to be the hero you've been waiting for.

When your Higher Self does send you triggers or obstacles, you're being presented with the opportunity to stand up for yourself and discover true empowerment. You are not being punished; you are being guided to heal and grow in big ways. Triggers give you insight into where we require love and healing. When you are mindful of them, you gain the power to choose to react differently or give attention to the root of the issue.

A message from your Higher Self

Give yourself the time and space to heal and learn what you can from your past experiences. You are still processing things, so please be kind and patient with yourself. It's safe now to release some of this heavy pain you carry through crying, yelling, and exercise to push out that stuck residual energy. Reach out to people that love you for support and encouragement. Open yourself as best you can to messages from your Higher Self, Ancestors, and Spirit Guides. We are always here, guiding and supporting you, even if you cannot feel us. You are going to look back on this chapter of your life as a time of discovering what you're truly capable of through honoring life's more difficult emotions. Making space for yourself to feel with honesty is a sacred practice that you're ready to partake in. Do your best to not label an emotion that comes up as 'good' or 'bad'. Let yourself be without judgements.

Final Words

Thank you so much for taking part in this tarot reading. I invite you to take 10 minutes to journal how this reading resonates with you and any personal insights that came to you. 

Tarot Reading Links

If you would like to go deeper, you can book a personalized reading with me here
Find my Pick a Pile masterlist here.




Pile B

8 of Cups, 8 of Pentacles

Your Higher Self's role right now is to walk by your side as you in explore your deepest inner depths. You're currently being pulled into more introspective energies that give you the opportunity to really digest your past. If you are not already doing so, make space in your schedule to meditate-- and not in the way that you have to force yourself to have a clear mind, but in the way where you allow yourself to just truly relax in the moment. You may prefer time alone right now, but be careful to not to become too self-isolating. 

You are likely to realize that there are some things in your current life which are not aligned with this version of you. It could be a relationship, career path, place, project, path, or habit that you'll most likely decide in the end to walk away from. A large part of doing so is so that you're fully able to take care of your needs, to build yourself up into the best version of yourself you can be. Release the old to make way for the new. Release regrets or should-haves. You are a work in progress, always evolving, and your story up to now has made you all that you are. If you're unhappy with yourself, know that there is still time to change this for yourself. Your story is not over! Think of releasing as a skill to be practiced and honed. Remember an entire journey begins with just a single step.

You have entered a new era of self discovery. There are undiscovered parts of your authenticity ready to be found, ideas and dreams that are ready to come to the surface.

This section may speak to each person that chose this pile differently, so take what resonates. Your cards may point to shadow work, a practice in exploring the hidden parts of yourself in order to grow and heal. For example, sometimes emotions or traumas that go unacknowledged can lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms or negative thought patterns that make us feel trapped. Shadow work can be done through journaling, tarot readings, conversations with people you trust, speaking with a therapist, dream work/interpretation, creating art, meditation, even repeating positive affirmations. It involves solitude, where you can reflect on your own.

Whether or not shadow work calls to you, you're ready to do some sort of personal work at this time. This may be hard work, but it's incredibly worthwhile. 8 of Pentacles asks that you stay focused and disciplined. It's the effort you put in now for yourself that is going to matter.

A message from your Higher Self

Diving deep within yourself is a skill that gets easier with practice and time. It's okay to take things slow, and its okay if you find this task difficult or even scary. Take steps toward your own betterment when you can, in a balanced, sustainable way. This process will not be done overnight, rather, it will be more of a lifelong journey of healing. Making the commitment to yourself is a gift that keeps on giving. Trust that good things are going to come out of your hard work. Note that the repetition of 8 speaks to your tremendous inner strength. You fight battles that nobody else sees, you are a warrior. You do not deserve to carry self doubts any longer. 

Final Words

Thank you so much for taking part in this tarot reading. I invite you to take 10 minutes to journal how this reading resonates with you and any personal insights that came to you. 

Tarot Reading Links

If you would like to go deeper, you can book a personalized reading with me here
Find my Pick a Pile masterlist here.





Pile C

3 of Cups, Knight of Pentacles

Your Higher Self's role at this time is to celebrate you and simply be with you. It looks like your Higher Self is throwing a party for you, and they invited all of your ancestors and spirit guides! There's this beautiful energy of togetherness and happiness with you. Lean into it by keeping an open mind to little moments of joy and blessings that appear as a shout out from that higher dimension. Know that you deserve to be celebrated and loved just by simply being you.

You may be coming out of a period of feeling disconnected from your High Self. Perhaps you felt alone or disconnected from your wisdom and personal power. Perhaps you shut them out due to anxiety, fear, or not being ready to receive their messages. Now, you're in a sort of reunion period, where you've opened back up, whether this is to your faith, your honesty, your self love, or something different. If you have not yet done so, you are guided to slow down and listen to your personal needs, then honor them. You've made great strides already.

If you've been working toward a goal or manifestation, your Higher Self is acknowledging your efforts. You are going to finish what you start, even if you end up in a different place than you expect.

Finally, your Higher Self asks that you open up to their messages when you are out in nature. Call them in while you take in the beauty around you. Ground yourself in the moment with the help of the wind, Earth, sounds, and smells. You may have thoughts, ideas, visions, songs or memories pop in your head that feel random. With deeper thought, you may realize that they are symbolic messages that you've received. If you can, take note of what pops in. Though it may not make sense in the moment, with time it often becomes clear.

A message from your Higher Self

Yes, this is a time to celebrate; but don't let this be a time to stop just yet. Keep your forward momentum, taking each task slow and steady, each challenge day by day. Consistency will bring your goal to reality. Don't overcomplicate it or put pressure on yourself; instead, do your best to trust in the process. When you feel stressed or low, get outdoors or spend time with an animal. When you meditate or find yourself relaxed in the moment, notice how you can feel me sitting deep within your Soul. We work together, and I will never abandon you. 

Final Words

Thank you so much for taking part in this tarot reading. I invite you to take 10 minutes to journal how this reading resonates with you and any personal insights that came to you. 

Tarot Reading Links

If you would like to go deeper, you can book a personalized reading with me here
Find my Pick a Pile masterlist here.




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Hi, I'm Courtney

I'm an intuitive guide. bridging the weird and woo with the everyday. I'm here to help you awaken your Soul and empower you to go after the life you envision.

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