Auras & Astrology
Do our auras correspond with the stars? This is an ongoing question I have both been asked by clients and have asked myself. There are times with clients that I’ve intuited astral bodies or chart placements as important, to later be confirmed as being something important for their life and Soul journey.
Recalling my own experience and observations, I sat with some trusted intuitive friends knowledgable in astrology, and came up with these color correspondences. They helped confirm what I feel and see in my mind’s eye, plus share their take, explaining their reasoning. Thanks, Ryzen and Melissa!
For this post, I picked only one color that I most associate with the energy of a sign or astral body, for the sake of simplification. As I continue to learn more about astrology and paint auras, I will update this post with new observations and intuitive insights.
How exactly does aura astrology work?
Certain pieces of your astrology may influence one another to bring out an entirely different color in your aura. For example, maybe it’s Aries season, so you have a shape in red in the top of your aura that shows an activation of its energy for you.
Your foundation corresponds to your personality, how you are presenting yourself to the world, your past, and more. The color present here may correspond with your Sun, Moon, and/or Rising signs.
An astral influence currently at play may show up in the upper portion of your aura painting. For example, if you have a Venus in Pisces placement, in the moon is in Pisces, this astrological influence may feel more prevalent in your life. It may appear as a teal symbol, shape, or cloud at the top of your aura.
Note the following are what I intuit when I tune into an energy. It may not line up to your own idea of the energy or intuitive feelings, and that’s okay. That’s the beauty of this work! It’s all about perception.
Aura Colors of the Zodiac
Aries: Red
Taurus: Green
Gemini: Light Blue
Cancer: Dark Blue, almost Indigo
Leo: Orange
Virgo: Maroon
Libra: Pink
Scorpio: Dark Deep Purple
Sagittarius: Yellow
Capricorn: Grey-Blue
Aquarius: Magenta or Bright Purple
Pisces: Teal
Other Elements of the Astrology World
Moon: Indigo
Mercury: Indigo
Venus: Baby Pink
Mars: Deep Blood Red
Jupiter: Silver or Gold
Saturn: Dark Green
Neptune: Ocean Blue
Uranus: Deep Magenta or Purple
Pluto: Black
Chiron: Turquoise
Final Words
What do you think? Do the colors line up or resonate for you? Share or ask questions in the comments below! Thanks so much for reading!
Courtney Deerborn