Aura Cloud Shapes

Aura Cloud Shapes

Today, I want to share something special with you; something that makes me believe in magic; believe in something incredible….

During my sessions with clients, we began to notice something interesting within their paintings. Every now and then, shapes of animals, symbols, even numbers and letters would appear. What we discovered within their auric cloud had meaningful connection with the individual’s life.

When I am painting, I am channeling. Like automatic writing, I let Spirit take over. When the energy portrait is complete, I am often just as surprised as my client by what has been created in collaboration with higher realms!


For those that may be newer to the concept of auras, the paintings I create are basically a snapshot of the energy that both surrounds you and is contained within you, at that very moment in time. Each color has a different corresponding emotion, theme, or message, depending on what I channel at the time of the session. For the sake of simplifying things, when I share color meanings on my blog or social media, keep in mind that these are very general. It is in a session with the client that we see what that color truly means to the individual. 


The shapes that appear in the aura painting are highly personal. When it comes to spirituality, this is often the case. To an outsider, it may seem like ‘just a shape’ or some silly coincidence. However, I have seen for myself, as well as felt, the absolute awe of seeing the exact thing you needed to see. It’s a profound experience. There are moments where I’m like, ‘There needs to be a squiggle here, but I don’t know why,’ and the shape ends up being deeply resonant.

As I paint, channeling and collaborating with Spirit, these shapes form. Sometimes, entirely without my noticing. Other times, I see the shape beginning in my minds eye and complete it with intention. I believe this technique began with my sky and galaxy paintings 5 years ago. While painting the cloud details of the nebulae, I began to channel.


Here are some aura cloud shapes from past sessions! 

Eagle: Sometimes, spirits that are very close to us can appear within the aura painting, rather than as an orb over the shoulder. This Eagle represents the individual’s grandfather. They are very much alike, and he is always nearby, guiding and protecting. 


Witch Hat: This aura bearer has an Earth witch/healer energy in her foundation, representing their ancestry as such. 


Owl: An indigo/purple owl represents psychic information coming in from spirits on the other side. This symbol is a call to pay close attention to dreams as well as synchronicities. The owl is often a spirit guide, facilitating messages from the other side.  


Flying Fish: Green energy in this case relates to relationships. Like the flying fish, this aura bearer is going out of their element. They have set out to make new friends and date again, which they said is something they haven’t done in quite a long time. 


Mufasa on Pride Rock from Lion King: This clients grandfather is passing along the torch, so to speak. He wanted my client to know that he trusts them to love and protect everyone. He gives his blessings.


Fetus: For some reason, pregnancy doesn’t always show up in an aura reading, but it’s fascinating when it does. I looked at this individual and said, I don’t usually like to bring up this topic but, doesn’t this really just look like a fetus? And she confirmed that she was 7 weeks along. Orange corresponds with the sacral chakra, our center for creation, responsible for rbe reproductive energy of the body. 



Family Dog: I hadn’t noticed this shape for a few weeks in my own aura. In hindsight, I realized my childhood pug, Stanley, was in my energy providing love and protection! He showed up in my dreams quite a few times just to visit around the time of this painting. The shape looks just like him as I can see him in my memory— paws tucked in, cozy ears back, tail curled up on his back. 


Barbie in her convertible: Spirit and energy love to speak to us using symbols we can understand, even ones from popular culture. This individual is experiencing new independence and has set off to discover the truth about the world and herself. 

Angel: This individual had a loved one on the other side come through during their session. They wanted my client to know that their Soul has ‘graduated’ into becoming an Angel, meaning that they will now be doing work in higher realms. They’re angelic presence remains with the client.


Do you see the same cloud shapes that we do? Would you ever try an aura painting to see what may come through in your energy? Thanks for reading!

Courtney Deerborn 

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Hi, I'm Courtney

I'm an intuitive guide. bridging the weird and woo with the everyday. I'm here to help you awaken your Soul and empower you to go after the life you envision.

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