Browse Readings

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Basic 3 Card Reading

The classic spread. Straight-forward, insightful messages from the cards. Get a general reading, or focus on something specific in your life. $30

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5 Card Reading

Grab more detail and information with a few more cards in this spread. Straight-forward, insightful messages from the cards. Get a general reading, or focus on something specific in your life. $45

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10 Card Celtic Cross

A 10+ card reading that examines multiple dimensions of energy for a complete view of what's currently at play, as well as what's coming or going. This is a good reading to do once a season as a check in, with guidance. $88.88

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Insight & Guidance From the Cards

Whether you’re seeking information about your current path, want an overview of the energies at play, or need specific guidance, the cards have the messages that you need to hear right now. All readings are delivered with absolute care and honesty. 

Readings bring light to things that you may be overlooking. They're helpful when you've come to a crossroads in life. They can be a wonderful tool for
self care and better understanding what you truly want. Tarot and oracle has a way of showing us where our attention is needed and how we could achieve a better sense of harmony.

I began using tarot and oracle cards as an intuitive tool to speak with Spirit and my loved ones on the other side. I found the experiences I had during readings to be deeply healing and helpful. My journey with
the cards opened my mind and heart; now I wish to help others do the same.

Please read my Code of Ethics before placing your order.

Seasonal Offering

Connect with Mother Gaia

Messages from our planet, with guidance on how you can connect with Mother Gaia based on your energy at the time of your reading. $22.22

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Message From Your Spirit Guides

What do your Spirit Guides need to tell you right now? Combination Tarot/ Oracle. $22.22

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Message From Your Cat

What is your feline friend feeling? What do they need? Is something missing in their life? A psychic message from your Cat using the cards. $22.22

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Seasonal Offering

Find Your Magic

Spring finds us once again immersed in the thinning of the veil. Use this time to discover your own magic and how it may be shared with the world! Receive messages about your Soul gifts. 6+ card spread, $55.55

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Oracle and Tarot combination reading

Past Life Oracle

A deep dive into one specific past life that has had great impact on your Soul journey. Gain details about the lifetime you lived, the experiences and traumas, and what it means for your present incarnation. $55.55

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Online Readings

How do they work?

For every reading, I start by cleansing my aura and my space. I ground myself, then call in my Spirit Guides and Fairy Allys for assistance. I activate our connection with the support of reiki, then begin. Readings are done with a meditation where I take notes on my intuitive hits. I then type this up into a helpful detailed PDF that you an enjoy on your own time, at your own pace, in the comfort of your own space.

Upon ordering, you may send your question or inquiry to or through Instagram @CourtneyDeerborn
This step is only necessary if you are seeking anything besides a general or seasonal reading.

All online readings are written and sent to your Email as a PDF
within 14 days of your order. A photo of your cards pulled is included.

Tarot To-Go

Hold your reading in your hands and receive your card pulls as yours to keep. Special handwritten cards, like receiving a letter from your beloved penpal.

Grab your own at my booth during market season! Each one is channeled for the person that will intuitively choose the envelope. Don't overthink it-- trust that Spirit has guided you to the one that has always been meant just for you.

Some things you might find in your tarot to-go: energy forecast, messages of healing, insight about your present, Spirit Guide messages, encouragement, inspiration for self care or creative endeavors, or Fairy messages!

Host A Tarot Party

A wonderful activity for bachelorette parties, birthdays, graduations, festivals, work parties, retreats, markets, garden parties, coffee shops, or just because! Lets create memories and magic together. I promise to provide guests with honest, entertaining readings.