Planting A Fairy Garden

Planting A Fairy Garden

In a chaotic world, we all crave a little escape. Transport yourself to a whimsical place of wonder and enchantment, right in your own home or backyard. Whether you’re experienced or just starting out, or just beginning your garden, prepare to be captivated by the allure of the Earth and magic.

Fairy travelers that come to visit us on Earth have taken a liking to certain plants and environments. Among delicate blooms lay hidden wonders… welcome to the realm of fairy gardens!

A Fairy Garden is a designated space in your yard or home that fairies can safely visit you in the Earth realm.

Gardening is a wonderful way to express your creativity and immerse yourself in their world. Find yourself swimming in your imagination as you tune out the chaos of the world in your garden. Gardening is a known stress reliever, which helps you further open yourself up to higher realms.

You become an ally to the fairies when you care for Earthly life. You can trust that you have magic on your side when you are respectful and loving to nature. Fairies are protectors of natures and are responsible for some of the garden processes. They will help your garden grow full and bright. They bring blessings and good fortune to those they favor. I have been in a state of childlike wonder and awe many times thanks to the fairies, and I hope that with the below information, you can experience it for yourself!

This guide was created with a combination of folklore and my own experiences with my own Fairy Garden. Let your intuition guide you as you embark on this project. May you find yourself surrounded by the magic of the fairies!


Jump To Links: 

Starting Your Fairy Garden

Indoor or Porch Fairy Garden

Outdoor Fairy Garden

    • PlantsHerbsFlowersFruits/Veggies

Decorating Your Fairy Garden

    • Fairy Crystals

    • Other Features

Blessing Your Fairy Garden

Signs of the Fairy's Presence

Leaving Offerings


Starting Your Fairy Garden

It will be important to choose a quiet location, away from noise and traffic. Find a cozy, tucked away area in your yard where the fairies can find sanctuary. If this is not a possibility, don't stress! A place on a porch or deck with a container garden is just as effective. A Fairy Garden can be a whole garden bed or a small terrarium. I have even had success living in apartments with designating house plants as my Fairy Garden!

You will probably want to consider a theme for your garden. Do you have any specific intentions or a desire to attract a certain type of fairy? Or, do you have an aesthetic you're looking to stick to? This will help keep you organized and on track when planning and creating your garden. Don’t feel like you have to start with everything at once! Choose one or two plants to begin your fairy garden journey.



Indoor or Porch Fairy Garden

If you're just beginning indoors, set your garden up near a window, so that the fairies can see it and be called inside!

Ferns are, in my experience, one of the most attractive plants to the fairies that you can place in your space! They are a protective and magical plant. These plants can be a bit tricker to care for, as they prefer lots of humidity and watering, and lots of light but not directly.

Pothos is an ivy variety plant that is incredibly easy to grow! The fairies will love the way it climbs and grows, traveling through your space to make itself at home. It provides a positive charge of energy, bringing strength and prosperity into your life. When a fairy takes to your pothos plants, blessings and abundance will flow your way.

String of Hearts, is a trailing succulant that, similarly to pothos, is very easy to care for. Its tiny delicate vines will make the fairies feel right at home in your space. They are a symbol of your love and friendship with the fairy realm. This is a wonderful plant for attracting healer and guide types of elves and fairies. Keep this plant out of direct sunlight, only watering once a week, and it will thank you.

Many of the plants in this guide also grow wonderfully in containers, even some of them indoors! Many herbs such as basil, thyme, mint, oregano, and rosemary have all been happy in a sunny window spot. I've grown snapdragons, pansies, marigolds, and coleus in containers on my porch with success.


Adding Whimsy To Your Container Garden

Placing crystals not only enhances the appearance of your fairy garden, it also infuses your plants and roots with positive energy. You can choose crystals that strengthen your intentions with the fairies.

Add a nice stone or seaglass path for the fairies to stroll along while the enjoy the beautiful space you’ve created for them!

You could even place miniature furniture for them to rest or have a tea party at. If you can, create your own with things found in nature. Do your best to use organic things of the Earth. 



Outdoor Fairy Garden

Your garden will not only attract fairy friends, but pollinators and other life can thrive as well!

When planning your outdoor Fairy Garden, it's great to incorporate already existing natural features, such as stumps, rocks, water features, or native plants. Fairies love the natural beauty of Mother Gaia and appreciate when we preserve what is already there.

Already have gardens, and no space for something new? An already existing garden bed can easily become fairy-fied and designated for them! Find out how to bless your garden to call in the fairies here.



Clover is the perfect low maintenance ground-covering plant that is much loved by your fairy friends. It brings in the energies of hope, abundance, and good luck to your home. If you're not much of a gardener. Most types need to be planted every year. Spread the seeds in a flower bed or all through your lawn.

Coleus are incredibly easy to grow, and can provide big pops of color do your garden. They also grow wonderfully in containers! To keep the plant bushy and leafy, make sure to pinch off the tops to avoid flowering. Does best in partial sun. Choose a miniature variety for extra fairy goodness!

Dusty Miller has a soft, fuzzy gray foliage that delights the fairies. It has repellent properties that keeps away any nuisance bugs or malevolent fairies. This plant is easy to grow and can tolerate if you forget to water it every now and then. It's also happy in a container.

Ferns in your yard or home are a message to fairies that you are a benevolent friend. This plant provides shelter for the elves and fairies. It brings a magical vibe to any environment. There are varieties that do well outdoors or indoors. They do best with indirect sunlight and lots of moisture.




The following plants will grow back year after year!

Chamomile is a hardy plant with small daisy-like flowers that fairies and pollinators love. The flowers can be made into tea to treat various gastrointestinal issues. This herb loves the sun, but in hot climates would appreciate partial shade. Blooms through summer to fall.

Lavender is a lovely scented plant that loves the sunshine and isn't fussy about soil. You can use it in a variety of ways. Thanks to its calming properties, this herb is wonderful for soothing anxiety and insomnia. Blooms through summer to fall.

Rosemary is another hardy plant to add to your garden. Its shrubbery attracts fairies and also gives them a place to hide. The herb is known for attractive positive energies and clearing negative ones.

Thyme is an herb of the fairies! Between the leaves, its stem acts as a doorway to the fairy realm. Carry sprigs of thyme with you when in nature for protection and to step into the world of the fairies. This plant is easy to grow and loves the sun. Choose a crawling variety to easily fill up a garden bed.






Not only will the fairies be attracted to their beauty, but pollinators will also be attracted to the ethereal blooms!

Alliums are an easy to grow member of the onion family which returns year after year. Because of their scent, they help protect your garden from the kind of animals that would want to dig through it or eat it. Their appearance adds whimsy to your garden. Blooms late spring to early summer; some varieties bloom late summer to fall. Plant a variety for a full year of blooms.

Columbines are a must have in a fairy garden. They come in a variety of colors and have a very cartoon like appearance at times. They don't mind rocky areas, and prefer shadier areas. Save their seeds for growing next year. Blooms late spring to early summer.

Daisies have a happy, bubbly energy. Choose a miniature variety for added fairy vibes! They love to soak up as much sunshine as possible. Most varieties return each year . They do will planted with columbines, lupines, and iris. Blooms spring to summer.

Fuschia have the appearance of a tiny dancing ballerina, in colors of bright pink and purple which delights the fairies. The plant brings love and prosperity to your fairy garden, blessing the space with good fortune. This plant does prefer some shade, and will grow back year after year, with proper winterizing in harsher climates. Blooms summer to fall.

The whimsical fuschia. Source

Marigolds are wonderful companion plants to add to your garden. They have always done well next to my herbs or tomatoes. This flower represents the light within, providing sunshine for the fairies on cloudy days. The plant has a high tolerance for all day sunshine, so long as they get plenty of water. Save the seeds for next year! Blooms summer into fall.

Primrose growing in a large patch is said to be a gateway to the fairy realm. Planting them will surely invite fairies to your garden and into your home. They regard these flowers highly, and can become offended if the plant becomes neglected. It is said that primrose brings good luck. Blooms in spring, with the awakening of the summer fairies.

Snapdragons through time have been used to protect against negativity and evil spirits. It's said that they even have the power to break curses. The flowers of the plant resemble dragon faces, with mouths that can be opened and shut by gently pinching the base of the flower. Snapdragons love the sunshine. Blooms through the summer and fall.



Fruits & Vegetables

Fairies love berries of all variety! The sweet scent of the fruit attracts magical beings to your garden. The bushes and leaves are the perfect place for them to hide and rest. The berries make a sweet and healthy snack for our wild animal friends. You may also pick some to share in other spaces as offerings.

Strawberries bring a romantic, passionate vibe to your garden. They do best in full sun, and should return in the spring for at least 3 years. Blooms and fruits in the summer.

Blueberries provide more of a tranquil and emotionally supportive energy. They're cleansing to your garden. Linked to the throat chakra, this berry brings the frequency of truth to your environment. This plant is tolerant to shade, but prefers full sunlight. Blooms and fruits summer to fall.

Blackberries are considered the most sacred to the fairies, with protective and psychic energy. This berry can be smashed to create an organic watercolor for painting offerings or body paint for rituals. They don't mind the shade, but will flourish with full sun. Blooms and fruits late spring into summer.

*** Keep in mind that with new berry bushes, it can take a few years of growth to get a harvestable amount of fruit. 




Decorating Your Fairy Garden

Further spruce up your garden by adding any of the following elements!



Place Peridot in your garden to guide fairies to this sanctuary. The stone carries the frequencies of interdimensional Earth beings who share our planet. It helps you connect to and communicate with all elementals, fairies, and nature spirits.Peridot honors the source of all creation; the love and abundance that it is.

Rose Quartz exudes the energy of friendship and unconditional love. It lets the fairies know that you wish to share a mutual kind connection. The stone is helpful if you have intentions to soothe emotions, either your own, or the energy of the land itself after damage from construction or a storm. It promotes a harmonious environment.

Clear Quartz is a wonderful energy conduit that raises the vibrations of your garden, enhancing your connection to the fairies. It can help you in creating a portal, if this is your desire.

Keep in mind that not all crystals will be safe should they get wet. For example, a pretty purple amethyst will turn brown over time from water. Celestine and pyrite is likely to break or dissolve. Malachite will release toxins when wet. Hematite will rust. It's a good idea to do some quick research before deciding to place a beloved crystal outdoors.


Carved or Painted Stones

Fairies have a great appreciation for art. Place a stone statue or paint your own picture on a rock for your garden. They love all bright colors, and would enjoy nature scenes or interesting patterns.


Shells, Seaglass, or Driftwood

Bring some mermaid or selkie energy to your garden by decorating with items gathered on the beach. Make sure that before you take anything home, you tune in and ask permission from the nature spirits present at the location.


Example of a simple rock spiral. Source.

Rock Spiral

Fairies are please by formations of stones in a spiral or a labyrinth. The spiral represents the unbroken link between the macrocosm and microcosm, helping bridge our realm and theirs. It also resonates with infinite life force.


Wind Chimes

The twinkling tones provide a familiar sound that makes the fairies feel right at home, and create an air of mysticism and fantasy.


Fairy Furniture or House

Finally, make your fairy friends feel most at home with things that are their size! They most enjoy things made with organic materials. Always leave things for the fairies with positive intentions and respect. They're pleased by cozy homes, benches, tables, garden trellis', and stone pathways.


An example of some DIY fairy furniture found here.



Blessing Your Fairy Garden

Don't just make the space for the fairies-- let them know that it's for them! Try this simple ritual to intentionally call in fairies to your garden or home.

You will want to begin with a clear mind and relaxed demeanor. Take some cleansing breaths, and if you're able, meditate for at least 20 minutes to enter the right state of mind.

Next, cleanse the area. Envision white purifying light washing over the environment, clearing the plants and Earth of all negative energies, entities, spirits, and beings.

After the energy is cleansed, set your intentions for your garden. Maybe you want the pixies to bring joy into your life, or maybe you'd like the gnomes to help you find stability. Perhaps you have a wish you'd like granted. Set that intention.

Say a prayer to your Spirit Guides, Fairy Allies, the Universe, etc, depending on your beliefs. You can leave an offering of peace when you do this. Give gratitude.

Close the energy by drawing the infinity symbol with your hand or a crystal. Then, keep your senses open to experiences with the fairies!


Signs of a Fairy's Presence

You may not believe your eyes when you first experience the shimmer or sparkle in the air of the fairies! Among the plants and flowers, that dance as orbs and glimmers of light.

You may even hear their song on the wind, like pulsing notes that comes in waves, or the sound of a distant flute's melodies. Sometimes, they sound like little bells or wind chimes twinkling.

As master shapeshifters, fairies can appear to you in your garden as a dragonfly or hummingbird! Pay attention to what you feel when you encounter wildlife.




Leaving Offerings For The Fairies

Maintain your relationship with the fairy realm by sharing your energy with them through offerings.

I like to create a designate spot in my garden or home for fairy offerings, but it isn't entirely necessary to connect with this magical realm. In your garden, designate a flat rock, a tree stump, or a tucked away corner as the place you will leave your gifts and exchanges for your fairy friends.

The fairies are pleased by offerings of berries or honey. They absolutely adore cream and ice cream. Make sure that what you share with them is made with organic ingredients. You could make them a nice honey cake!

Fairies also enjoy gifts found or foraged in nature, such as flower petals, shells, sea glass, and pretty stones.

They are greatly honored when you take the time to create something just for them. Share a piece of art, a sculpture, or a homemade piece of fairy furniture.

When we leave offerings, we do our part in healing the dissonance that has been created between the fairy world and our Earthly realm. We let them know that we are here to help. We can also receive assistance when we befriend a trusted fairy. If you'd like to read more about offerings, you can do so here.




Thank you so much for reading!

Want more of the fairies? Check out the links below! -- Courtney

Personal Reading: Meet Your Fairy
Blog Post: A Bit About Fairies
Blog Post: How To Leave An Offering
Blog Post: The Misunderstood Dark Elves

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