Deerborn Intuitive Blog

Tarot Basics

Tarot Basics

A helpful & straightforward tarot guide.

Tarot Basics

A helpful & straightforward tarot guide.

How To Leave An Offering

How To Leave An Offering

Offerings connect you with spirits, ancestors, and fairies; here's your how-to.

How To Leave An Offering

Offerings connect you with spirits, ancestors, and fairies; here's your how-to.

An Oracle Reading For Shadow Integration

An Oracle Reading For Shadow Integration

A free oracle reading for exploring your light & shadow. A reading for wholeness and authenticity.

An Oracle Reading For Shadow Integration

A free oracle reading for exploring your light & shadow. A reading for wholeness and authenticity.

Chakra Basics

Chakra Basics

There are 7 main chakras that run up the base of your spine, from your tail bone to the top of your head. Each relates to certain spiritual, physical, mental,...

Chakra Basics

There are 7 main chakras that run up the base of your spine, from your tail bone to the top of your head. Each relates to certain spiritual, physical, mental,...

Pick A Pile: What is your vibe right now?

Pick A Pile: What is your vibe right now?

Insight about the energy you are currently putting out into the world.

Pick A Pile: What is your vibe right now?

Insight about the energy you are currently putting out into the world.

Aura Compatibility

Aura Compatibility

Have you ever experienced an instant connection with someone new? Or felt yourself repelled by an individual? Like all energy, there is a polar attraction or deflection that takes place...

Aura Compatibility

Have you ever experienced an instant connection with someone new? Or felt yourself repelled by an individual? Like all energy, there is a polar attraction or deflection that takes place...